If you are here, you’ve probably heard and read the word 'coaching' tens, maybe hundreds of times. Coaching is a tool that can turn challenges into inspiring visions and inspiring visions into reality through action. This is the basic principle of coaching.

The modern world presents many challenges both individually and collectively. As we know, the world is becoming more and more unpredictable, the expectations towards leadership are changing, and the online world has shifted how we connect with each other. Statistics about our state of mental health are alarming.

Now let’s flip the coin. Imagine you can think about the future and gain confidence that you can influence it. This has never been more important. This is why we believe coaching is a tool that can help us create better futures for ourselves and others.

Some people roll their eyes, saying, 'Nowadays everyone is a coach.' Our response is: 'We wish!' This is what our mission is all about.

Imagine a world where more and more people knew how to live better

After the course, you will be able to achieve tangible and sustainable results by applying our coaching approach and toolbox. Regardless of how you choose to proceed — whether as a formally certified coach or informally with your colleagues, friends, and family members — we offer a truly valuable training experience that will provide you with the opportunity to utilize all the tools and techniques. This way, you will confidently coach yourself and others in many and varied situations immediately. And by 'immediately,' we mean from minute one.

Meet the International Coaching Certification Course by us, the World Coaching Organization. It was thoughtfully crafted for anyone who wants to learn more about coaching and how to use it on their private and professional lives. Also a fundamental tool for those who want to turn coaching into their profession, part-time or full-time.

Where expertise and experience 
meets community and fun




how we teach

our history

our manifesto

At WCO, we truly believe everyone is a coach. From a very young age, we start observing and interacting with the world, and our thoughts, speech, and actions begin to guide us and our interactions with those around us, whether we are aware of it or not.
It is crucial to develop skills that support high-quality thinking and interactions. These skills should be part of our basic education as humans in the world, and we truly believe we should all have easy access to them.
We also know this is a utopia, but a dream worth fighting for. With more and more well-trained coaches in the world, we will be able to develop ourselves into better thinkers, collaborators, and beings. At the end of the day, this should be a 'basic right.'

about the certificate

meet your trainer

about the certificate

how we teach

our history

Our experience in coaching training goes back over a decade now. Our International Coaching Certification course has been organized since 2012, with its roots tracing all the way back to Portugal. Since then, the course has taken place in several cities in over 10 countries, including Portugal, Finland, Hungary, Iran, Sweden, France, Germany, Switzerland, and Brazil. We have trained more than 3000 people in our events so far, bringing coaching skills to professionals at all levels, leaders, and other key management roles, both inside and outside the business world.
Today, the World Coaching Organization is based in Helsinki, and we have big plans to bring this course to as many places worldwide as possible. 

our manifesto

meet your trainer

meet your trainer

about the certificate

how we teach

We will teach you solid coaching skills in only 3 days because the course is designed and thought through from beginning to end, with the psychology of learning in mind.Also, our trainers are not only great coaches but also among the most experienced and dedicated professionals in training and facilitation.
We combine theory, stories, examples, and hands-on practice for a full and exciting learning experience. What makes our course so impactful is that it is full of practice - 40% of it consists of trying things out. As a result, you will feel confident running a full coaching conversation on Monday morning after the course.
And in the end, this is what we want from a course, right? To be able to apply it right away.

our history

our manifesto

how we teach

Our certificate is the proof that you have spent a noticeable amount of time and effort learning solid coaching skills. We are committed to and appreciate the core competencies and ethical principles of coaching defined by global coaching certifications and schools.
We offer you the basics. Then it’s in your hands how you take it from there: many choose an area of coaching to dive deeper, some decide to use our training as a base to get certified by the ICF or EMCC, others start using and developing these skills in everyday life. Whatever you choose to do with this course and your future, you will be part of a global supportive community. Those who have attended this experience get united by it. 

our history

meet your trainer

about the certificate

our manifesto

how we teach

Pauliina Hallama / “Chief Coaching Officer”/ Master Coach Trainer / Systemic Business Coach® / Systemic Team Coach®:
Pauliina is an experienced and acknowledged trainer with over 20 years of experience. She is a social psychologist with a passion for leadership and high-impact, engaging interaction. In addition to working with individual participants worldwide, she has trained thousands of people in organizations, from industrial companies to small startups.
When she is not working, you can find her enjoying long walks in nature, running on trails, freediving, or adventuring together with her husband.

our history

meet your trainer

about the certificate

our manifesto

‘If not you, who? If not now, when?’

Teachers, sales professionals, university professors, actors, pharmacists, doctors, designers, agile coaches, engineers, and so many more have joined our course so far.

At WCO, we believe coaching should be accessible to all humans. This is why we train people through a 3-day ‘high-quality low-investment’ course - so if you are ready for the adventure, you can jump right in. In addition to enhancing your professional life, coaching will impact the quality of your conversations and the quality of connections beyond work. It's a hype for a good reason.

It's also suitable for professionals who want to master coaching tools and apply them in managing their team, increasing professional results, and having a greater capacity to help others.

Our course is an efficient and high-quality kick-start into building a profession out of coaching. With very solid foundations, you'll be able to test the waters and see if this is a career path you'd want to commit to in the long run as well.

future coaches

ambitious professionals

curious explorers 

see upcoming events

We are currently working on our new website

 to offer you detailed information about us and our courses and trainings. So far, we have tried to cover everything that you might want to know, but if you have any additional questions, please reach out to us at hello@worldcoaching.com.

© World Coaching Organization 2024